Becoming A Patron​
Being a non-profit organization, the band's existence depends upon the generosity of others. This includes our concert audiences and patrons.
The band will gladly accept donations from patrons at any time of the year. We list our patrons (as of the end of March) in our spring concert program. Patrons may sponsor the band in any of the following categories:
Business Patron: $25 or more
Directors Circle: $500 or more
Honorary Benefactor: $100 or more
Benefactor: $50-$99.99
Patron: $25-$49.99
Sponsor: $10-$24.99
Each non-business patron will be listed in the Spring Concert program on a single line.
Each business patron will receive two lines in the program. Each line will accommodate approximately 45 characters.
Please make your tax deductible check payable to The Greater Shore Concert Band and mail it to:
The Greater Shore Concert Band
547 Cedar Ave West Long Branch, NJ 07764