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Online Performance Recordings

Below are recordings we are currently practicing. They are listed mostly in alphabetical order. They are provided for you reference, practice, etc. Use these recordings as desired. Here are some suggestions:

  • Listen to get the feel of the piece.

  • Listen and follow along with the music.

  • Sing, hum, whistle or tap your part while listening and following along with the music.

  • Play along with the music on your instrument.

When possible the Publisher's Recording will be provided. We may not take it at their speed, and we may make adjustments, but they should definitely help with tricky rhythms. Alternate Videos, such as YouTube, will be provided too, some of which are publisher recordings too. Alternate videos will mostly be other bands, so their quality may not be as polished as the publishers recording; however, you will have more playback control with these videos.


Some pieces will feature Supplemental Resources that contain original sources, alternate versions, etc. These are provided to get a sense of their original presentation or just for fun.


YouTube allows you to:

  • Queue a video to a specific location in the recording. Do this via the Share button, which allows you to create a time stamped URL for that location, which you can copy and paste into a new browser tab or window. When you refresh your browser, the video will start at that spot. This is useful when working on a specific tricky section in the music repeatedly.

  • Adjust the playback speed without affecting the pitch. Do this via the Settings button, which looks like a gear. You can adjust playback speed in 25% preset increments or in 5% increments if using the slider bar. This is useful for complex passages that are too fast at first. Slow them down to understand them better, then increase playback speed to normal. Consider faster than normal to really know you've mastered it.

Our current selections:

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