Behind Every Musician, There is a Story
Behind every musician, there is a story. We're featuring band member mini-biographies on a regular basis as we prepare for Carnegie Hall. They originate on our Facebook page, but since not everyone is a Facebook user, links to the stories are gathered here so anyone can read them.​
Dr. Ron Cohen - Ron learned a new instrument - tenor sax - as an adult, being taught by the Greater Shore Concert Band's founding director, Dr. Henry Melnick. Learn how the saxophone helped Ron with his recovery from a stroke 16 years ago.
Linda Chapin - Linda had wanted to learn the piano, but lessons weren't an option. She experimented with an old accordian and finally ended up with the baritone, because it was the only instrument left.
Heather Rosado - Heather came from a musical family. Her musical journey has had many twists and turns until she found a home with the Greater Shore Concert Band.
Linda McKellar - Linda came from a musical family as well, but her goal to become a professional musicial was interrupted by fate. She had dreamed of playing Carnegie Hall, and now she will.
Jim Humelsine - Jim chose the trombone, because it was the only instrument he could get a sound out of. Read how that choice has let to many musical adventures.
Leanne Coppola - Leanne played the flute in school, but it took a back seat when life got busy. Twenty years later serendipity brought Leanne to the band, a new friendship and a reconnection with a previous teacher.
Steve Advensky - Steve will double check to make sure he has his mouth piece. Find out why.
Bob and Leanne Arnts - Do you believe in love at first sight? Read Bob and Leanne's own love story. "If music be the food of love, play on ..."
James Bast - Jim has had a long musical career. Read about his experiences as a performer and conductor.